The story of Nora


In late April 2000, little Nora was born, Odd Leikvoll’s fourth grandchild and the family’s new addition. In keeping with tradition, Odd sat down behind the Drawing Board and started on what was to become one of the most advanced and technical designs Hardanger Bestikk has created. 

Nora cutlery parts
Plates cutlery storage cloth

The production process

The road from design to finished product was winding. The production method we used for other designs did not work on this design. The shaft on Nora cutlery parts should be round, normally the shaft on cutlery parts is flat. New tools were developed and at the same time space was made for a separate production hall for the Nora design, in addition to a separate work team that would only work with the Nora design. 

The production method consisted of a total of 12 processes, the first process was to press two parts to be welded together. Furthermore, an edge should be made around the shaft to create a more distinct expression. After 11 processes, one process remained, the last process was to sandblast the cutlery surface to make the steel soft and smooth.  

Nora cutlery parts table setting
Nora cutlery parts table setting

Odd had a burning ambition to achieve this design. The following year, the product was ready, the Nora design was launched in 2001 and is based on various production techniques.  

The sandblasting makes the steel soft and smooth. With curved details and tactile properties, a distinct expression is created. The production processes make the steel soft and smooth to the touch. Nora’s curved lines and tactile qualities make this a cutlery that is just as suitable for everyday use as for parties.  

Since its launch, the design has been well received and is today a well-known design in Hardanger Bestikk’s portfolio.  

Grandad and Nora

What does it mean to you that you have a design dedicated and named after you?

The fact that I have my own design dedicated and named after me is of course something I am and have always been extremely proud of. It is something not everyone has! The fact that I get to have my own cutlery that I can carry on for generations is something I am honored to be able to do. There is no doubt about what is and remains my favourite design. 

How long have you had the cutlery and how is it to use the cutlery? 

I have of course had the cutlery since I was born, the design came out about a year after I was born. Mom has collected Nora cutlery over the years so I could geteverything, including the parts that are no longer produced. I also grew up having Nora cutlery in the cutlery drawer at home. In our home it was brought out a little less often and used as fine cutlery as I have several sisters who also have their designs to fight against - haha! 


Founder Odd Leikvoll and grandchildren Nora Leikvoll

What do you remember best from growing up with your grandfather? 

My grandfather was the best in the world. A warm and loving grandpa who always asked questions, was interested and someone you could talk to about absolutely everything!   When I was little, I was a skeptical of the grandad because he had a deep voice and I have been told that I was a little modest at first. It did not take long, however, before the grandad’s lap was the safest place in the world. Something I will always remember is all the time my sister and I ate breakfast there on the weekends, as we were also neighbours. Then it was usually grandad’s fried eggs that were on the menu, and I could of course eat with Nora cutlery if I wanted! 


Cutlery maintenance 

All our designs contain 18% chromium and 10% nickel, which is stainless steel. The quality of the cutlery is very durable, which means that you can use the cutlery for all occasions. The Nora series can be washed in a dishwasher, but it is still a recommendation to rinse the cutlery well in advance to avoid stains on the cutlery. You can read more about cutlery maintenance here.  


Cutlery parts in the Nora series

Nora has a wide selection of cutlery parts where you can easily supplement the design according to your own needs. In the Nora series, you get cutlery sets, steak cutlery, appetizer cutlery, cake sets, dessert sets and serving pieces. See the entire selection of the Nora series here. 

Nora cutlery parts table setting

Nora series



Steak set



Dessert set
