Quality cutlery

What defines good cutlery?

It’s a fusion between tradition and innovation. It should lie well in hand, feel comfortable and natural to use around the dinner table. It’s crucial that each part work well with its intended purpose, while at same time maintaining the familiar aesthetics — one eye on modernization, the other on who we are and where we come from.

It was nature itself that made designer Per Finne move back home to Voss. He had spent all his career away from his home town — first as a student in Oslo, then with his own practice in Tromsø, eventually as a professor and lecturer at NTNU in Trondheim. But when the opportunity to move back to Voss presented itself, he took it right away — he was in dire need of closeness to his greatest inspiration. Later that same year, Per was already sketching new designs for Hardanger Bestikk.

In pursuit of a regional business he could work with, the cutlery manufacturer stood out. Their traditional products, combined with their dedication to quality, triggered Per’s creative urge.

I wanted to design cutlery like in the old days, but bring it into the contemporary and merge it with Scandinavian design traditions.Per Finne

From a design perspective, cutlery has a very intriguing relation between form and function. To me it’s important that it’s balanced equally.Per Finne


Today, Per is Hardanger Bestikk’s main designer, and together they can boast with numerous awards for skillful craftsmanship, aesthetics and innovation. According to Per, the good results are a consequence of close dialogue and a lot of freedom. And whether it’s the elegant cutlery series Julie with long pinnacles and ergonomic grip—or the award winning cutlery Tuva, a series designed to accommodate different grip-needs for all user groups, all designs originates from a shared fascination with their surroundings and the place they come from.